Speed of induction
The speed of induction of PEMF into the body is one of the factors important for successful penetration of the energy deep into the cells and bones.
When we have PEMF energy available and we induct it too slow into the body, the changes on cellular level are only minimal. The best example is MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines in hospitals, used to make computer generated images of organs inside the body, where speed of induction is critical to obtain clear pictures.

Inside these machines are electromagnetic coils - similar to coils of PEMF systems - and these coils are pulsed with very high speed to obtain a very fast speed of induction or 'slew rate'. The high speed is directly responsible for the quality of the obtained computer generated images.
As general rule: the faster the 'slew rate' => the better the image quality will be.
When you ask people - who had an MRI exam - how it was, they will tell you that a constant very loud rhythmic noise was heard during the examination. This noise occurs when large electrical currents are pulsed very fast into the coils inside the machine, causing mechanical movements in the same rhythm as the electromagnetic pulses => resulting in loud noise.
The same is true for fast pulsed of PEMF 'inducting' energy into the body. The faster the pulses are inducted into the body, the deeper the penetration into the cells and bones and the better the efficacy.
This pulse is a sine wave - the most effective PEMF pulse form - modified in a way to obtain the fastest speed of induction possible. This results in absolute cell and bone penetration of the electromagnetic energy to obtain the very best results possible for PEMF therapy.

In this picture the measurements are standardized at 0.7 x maximum magnitude and in blue can be seen a value of 210 Gauss = 21 milli Tesla. At this maximum the time base measured in green is 400 micro seconds. These values result in a speed of induction of more than 50 Tesla per second, which is outstanding and guarantees absolute penetration for the best possible therapy results with PEMF devices.