Fracture Healing

Most fractures are caused by a trauma to the bone like a fall or a traffic accident. Another cause can be fragile bones due to osteoporosis, or stress fractures in athletes due to overuse.
Once a fracture is formed, blood supply to the area will carry nutrients and new bone tissue will be formed with time. Sometimes, however, the bone does not heal properly, leading to a non-union fracture. When blood supply to the affected area is inadequate, new tissue will not form and the bone will not be able to heal.
If the fracture does not show signs of healing for at least three months, it is assumed to be a non-union. These fractures usually continue to cause pain for a long time.
Applying Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields to a fracture, especially a non-union, stimulates the production of nutrients necessary for the healing process like calcium, and improves blood supply to the area, as well as reducing pain. The Curatron PEMF system can also be used with a cast, in order to encourage the body's natural ability to heal the bone. It offers a natural and non-invasive option of treating a fractured bone and reducing pain.
PEMF treatment for fracture healing
See the video of Matt who was in a very bad motorcycle accident.
He broke both wrists, several neck bones, collar bone and in addition suffered serious knee damage.
He underwent numerous surgeries and finally Curatron PEMF therapy helped him to recover completely. ===========>>>
<<<===== See video to learn how to speed up and improve fracture healing with Curatron PEMF technology.
Here under is an X-ray of another young man who was also in a very bad motorcycle accident. This young man had his leg squashed between his motorcycle and a heavy truck. As you can see his leg was badly fractured in a few places and he had to undergo surgery in order to reposition the bone fragments with metal plates and screws. Here are the X-rays before, after surgery and Curatron PEMF therapy.
Fractured leg

After surgery

Healed with Curatron PEMF therapy

Once the bone has been repositioned, he began using the Curatron PEMF system daily. After just a few weeks his leg function has improved tremendously and pain was decreased dramatically. With the continued use of the Curatron PEMF he was able to walk again properly after a very short time, and X-rays taken a couple of months after the surgery clearly show the healed bone. He is now back to fully functioning and feels great.
I hope all is well with you and yours. I continue to use the Curatron and have been able to heal 3 individuals of their fractured bones. All three had been recommended for surgical intervention of some kind. All three were able to avoid that outcome through the use of your device and there have been many celebrations in their not having to go under the knife!
Patrick Waters RN BSN MS
Dexter, MI, USA