My personal story
by Ben Philipson, CEO Curatronic Ltd.

I have been asked numerous times to tell the story of my life and finally decided to adhere to these requests although I am no fan of talking about myself because in my eyes each and everyone has a unique story to tell and mine is only one of those.
My name is Ben Philipson and I was born in 1949 in The Netherlands.
I studied electronic engineering in Amsterdam and I have a BSc.E.E. degree in electronics.
I have worked for a medical device marketing and manufacturing company in Amsterdam for almost ten years. In my function as Technical Director for the Research & Development department I was responsible for all technology, including modifications and development of new features for the equipment of the company [cardiac monitors, nurse stations, defibrillators, physical therapy devices etc.].
During the evening hours I developed a range of biofeedback, electroacupuncture and laser devices.
Here are some of my previous devices before developing a range of PEMF devices as listed elsewhere on this website and many of these "old" devices are still in use today.

Musculatron EMG biofeedback

Musculatron Gemini dual channel EMG biofeedback machine

EMG biofeedback hooked up to an Apple II computer
Being the first person in the world interfacing biofeedback devices with a computer [Apple II+] to show the biofeedback signal allowed for simple and practical visual biofeedback training. In addition the device could control the movement of an electric train being very useful for biofeedback training for children.

Biofeedback signal on TV

Temperature biofeedback

Portable temperature and GSR biofeedback

Diagnosis and electroacupuncture
therapy device

IR laser for electroacupuncture

Electroacupuncture point detector & 4 channel therapy device
Beauty salon laser
In 1983 I emigrated to Israel with my family and continued working in the medical field for various companies with responsibilities for sales and product management.
Later after I had already started my own company I continued developing several more devices: several EMG triggered electrostimulation devices for rehabilitation after stroke both for use at home and for clinics and also a portable PEMF system.

EMG triggered stimulator for clinical stroke rehab

EMG triggered stimulator for home use after stroke

Portable PEMF device
My magnetic story
In the early 1970’s a German scientist by the name of Dr. Manfred Fichtner developed a “pulsating magnetic field therapy device” named Magnetotron and started manufacturing these devices at his company, Elec System in Germany. He was clearly far ahead of his time.

Original Magnetrotron

After his initial success selling these devices in Germany, he started looking to expand sales in other European countries and contacted a company in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where I worked as technical director. I then went to visit his office in Germany and following this visit Manfred and I went together on a tour seeing potential customers in The Netherlands.
Our company was selling and servicing medical devices for cardiology and physiotherapy and there was a good match between our company and Elec System to introduce these pulsating magnetic field devices in The Netherlands.
However, creating interest in a complete new medical therapy during the same time where also other new types of medical therapies were introduced, like electro-acupuncture, was difficult and after a couple of initial successful sales interest was lost and we discontinued marketing in The Netherlands. I was also told that a person working for him ”borrowed” his plans and left for Canada where he still sells these devices under a different name.

PEMF probe applicator

Manfred Fichtner

Magnetotron in use

Copy machine
Magnetotron in use
But also in Germany, where it was called “Magnetfeldtherapie”, the market slowly lost interest too and it seemed that this technology continued to lose ground during the following years. Elec System was continued by Manfred’s son under a different name but because other companies started manufacturing cheap and low intensity magnetic field devices too, his company halted manufacturing of magnetic therapy devices and now offers only development and technical service.
During my many trips to Europe as sales director for an Israeli manufacturer of capital medical equipment, I was surprised to discover by the end of the 1980’s renewed interest in pulsing magnetic field therapy as alternative medical treatment in central Europe. Various new names for the same technology were now used, like pulsed signal therapy or magnetotherapy, but in general this therapy form became better known as PEMF or Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field therapy.
Seeing these devices were mainly of poor quality with similar obsolete or simplistic technology and low intensities, I decided to look further because I was convinced that a modern state-of-the-art device would outperform all other devices available on the market.

Clinical diagnosis and therapy system for osteoporosis
Having come to this conclusion I introduced this idea to the CEO of the company I was working for and added to my job a new task: being product manager for a new to develop osteoporosis diagnosis and treatment system.
No sooner said than done the first hospital grade system, both for diagnosis and for electromagnetic treatment for osteoporosis was born and sold to hospitals throughout the world. One of the first customers was the Russia space center for diagnosis and followed by treatment of cosmonauts returning from the MIR space station having lost bone during extended stays in outer space.
In addition systems were also sold to hospitals in China, where in no time the treatment system was copied by local manufacturers.
Because I wished to make this technology also available to consumers and medical professionals and not just to hospitals, I decided to start my own company. After 2 years R&D and preparations for manufacturing of Curatron devices, Curatronic Ltd. was born in February 2000.
As we say the rest is history, having become the leading manufacturer of PEMF technology with a range of true energy medicine devices and impulse high intensity PEMF systems.
P.S. If you are still not fed up reading my professional life story you can see my profile on LinkedIn HERE.